3 Ways to Consider EMF Exposure in Your New Home Build or Renovation

Electromagnetic fields, or EMFs, are invisible areas of energy created by electrically charged particles.

They exist naturally, like the light and warmth we get from the sun. But they're also produced by man-made sources like power lines, appliances, and wireless technologies like Wi-Fi routers and mobile phones.

And with Smart Homes improving our lives, they’re also increasing our exposure to EMFs.

In this article, we’ll look at the ways you can take EMF exposure reduction into consideration when you’re renovating or building your new home.

Woman with two young children in a home setting, sitting on the sofa looking at an electronic tablet

How can you reduce your exposure to EMFs when you build or renovate your home?

When you’re renovating or building your new home, you can think ahead, and go in prepared to reduce your exposure to EMFs.

Here are three key ways to consider EMFs in your home design.

Keeping your distance

One of the best ways to reduce your exposure to EMFs is to create distance between the electromagnetic signal and you.

When it comes to home design, you can -

Reduce Wi-Fi Sources

By choosing hardwired over wireless devices, including old fashioned ethernet, or even better, fibre optic cabling.

Put in the best possible signal technology

Believe it or not, the stronger the signal, the less exposure you’ll have to EMFs. For example, poor mobile phone reception could increase your exposure to EMFs by up to 10,000 times than if you have a good signal.

Create opportunities in your design for grounding

Studies show that the human body releases voltage after grounding. 

What is grounding? Grounding is simply connecting yourself with the earth. 

Create opportunities to support your connection with nature in your home design, especially if you have children, as they are more susceptible to the effects of EMF radiation.

Protecting your sleep

Some studies show that a high-level EMF environment can cause disruption to your sleep. This is because it may prevent you from getting into a deep, restorative REM sleep cycle.

While we sleep, our bodies get to work doing a reset, and naturally combat any toxins we’ve absorbed during the day.

I’m sure we all agree how important a good nights sleep is to our overall health and wellbeing. This means it’s important to consider how you’ll optimise your home design for a good nights rest. 

Things you should be thinking about in the design stage include - 

  • Keeping cabling away from where you sleep

  • Using special protection paints

  • Installing bed canopies, films and other fabrics

  • Earthing power outlets, and

  • Installing shielding devices.

But it doesn’t stop there. Once your home is built, there are other things you can do day-to-day to help reduce your exposure to EMFs while you’re sleeping.

These include things like - 

  • Turning your mobile phone to airplane mode at bedtime, or better yet, having no electronic equipment in your bedroom at all and charging your devices somewhere else overnight.

  • Have one or two hours before bed that are screen-free so your sleep-wake cycles aren’t disrupted.

  • If you need a baby monitor for your family, looking for a wired option. Wireless baby monitors have come under scrutiny as many of them produce continuous, high levels of microwave radiation.

Be aware of the impact of your Smart Home

The wireless technology market is coming at us thick and fast.

But not all share technologies are that smart. Not yet anyway.

They all have wireless antennas that are constantly pulsing Ultra High Frequency microwave radiation. This means they send a signal far more times than is necessary.

For example, your electricity smart meter sends a signal one to two times a day, while many standard Smart Home products send a signal tens of thousands of times a day - even when it’s not necessary.

We need to start expecting these technologies to catch up to our needs to minimise the electro-pollution they cause, not drastically increasing it, especially in the sanctuary of our homes.

When it comes to Smart Home technology, at the home design stage you should consider - 

  • What is the best way to incorporate Smart Home technology into your design?

  • The quality and output of the Smart devices you choose to install.

  • The location of Smart devices in relation to where you spend most of your time, and where you sleep.

When it comes to EMFs in your home, knowledge is power.

Reducing EMF radiation in your home build starts with awareness. 

Knowing what they are, and how to minimise their impact on your family will make you feel empowered when you’re making design choices, so you can create plenty of natural spaces, protect your sleep and use Smart Home technology more wisely.

Want help to build a smart home that takes EMFs into consideration?

I understand how EMFs work and I can help.

Get in touch with me today to start the journey to a home that will be a place of bliss for your body, mind and energy.


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EMFs & You: What They Are & How to Reduce Exposure in Your Home